TuMo is a product designed for a specific user, with its primary function being to make laptop work, or play, in difficult environments, both possible and pleasant.
When beginning to design a solution for laptop use in challenging environments, such as a bumpy train, I identified the surfaces such as a touchpad, as the most difficult to work on and get precise results. Therefore I decided to design a hand held mouse, to make laptop use easy and enjoyable in all conditions.

I found my inspiration in organic sculptures, and through ergonomic research , I've reached the desired shape, in terms of functionality, comfort, and aesthetics.
Tumo fits perfectly in the hand, and provides a comfortable experience of working on a lapptop. It is transportable, as one of its main purposes is to enable work during commute. TuMo’s main aspects are the touchpad at the top of the body, and the button on the side. They are placed in such a position to allow for a natural grip placement of the hand.
With TuMo, the user is enabled a pleasant and easy experience of working on a laptop or computer.

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